Realistic damage fallout 4
Realistic damage fallout 4

realistic damage fallout 4 realistic damage fallout 4

Featuring 55 atmospheric and fitting tracks from the My Little Pony fandom, including CarbonMaestro, Evening Star, JycRow, Makkon, Radiarc. The Unofficial Equestria at War Sub-Mod Coop server - Discord Link The Equestria at War team is proud to present the Equestria at War music mod.

  • This page contains download links and short descriptions of various submods available for Equestria at War.
  • Staying true to realism, everything is the way it's meant to be, alive yet peacefuly dull. A realistic approach of the desert, making your game look like the actual Nevada Desert with it's blues, whites and tan colors. It's in beta but, I am not impressed and I won't be surprised if it turns out to be a piece of shit that only intolerant elitists enjoy. They also lowered carry weight so much that they just as well have removed all weapons but semi-auto rifles and actually nerfed it further, I guess to appeal to elitists even more. Not to mention how crashy fallout 4 can be thanks to the ILS issues that I have making it unplayable. I got bored after running back to sanctuary after two hours of play because I found myself endlessly running back to a bed to sleep.

    realistic damage fallout 4

    No fast travel isn't a huge one by itself, but the save only on sleep merely inreases the iteration time. The major problem is the save on sleep only and no fast travel. The realistic damage is fine, as the player isn't completely gimped now and can take enemies down, though people are complaining of bullet sponges and 2-3 shot deaths at 10 end, so I am suspicious.

    realistic damage fallout 4

    The sleep/food/water is fine, it's being adjusted but it in of itself isn't the biggest problem, in fact it's nice for a bit of roleplaying. Honestly though, it's in beta, but elitism seems to be dragging the difficulty into unapproachable and unplayable ranges.

    Realistic damage fallout 4